Publications Ranking Statistics:CCF A: 4 papers, CCF B: 1 paper, CCF C: 2 papers.

  1. [WWW’24] Xiaoyin Liu, Wenzhi Li, Qinsheng Hou, Shishuai Yang, Lingyun Ying, Wenrui Diao, Yanan Li, Shanqing Guo, and Haixin Duan. From Promises to Practice: Evaluating the Private Browsing Modes of Android Browser Apps. The 33rd ACM Web Conference, Singapore. May 13-17, 2023. [CCF A]
  2. [SANER’24] Shuang Li, Rui Li, Yifan Yu, Kailun Yan, Shishuai Yang, and Wenrui Diao. Understanding Android OS Forward Compatibility Support for Legacy Apps: A Data-Driven Analysis. The 31st IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, Rovaniemi, Finland. March 12-15, 2024. [CCF B]
  3. [APSEC’23] Shishuai Yang, Qinsheng Hou, Shuang Li and Wenrui Diao. Do App Developers Follow the Android Official Security Guidelines? The 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Seoul, Korea. December 4-7, 2023. [CCF C] [PDF]
  4. [USENIX-Sec’23] Rui Li, Wenrui Diao, Shishuai Yang, Xiangyu Liu, Shanqing Guo, and Kehuan Zhang. Lost in Conversion: Exploit Data Structure Conversion with Attribute Loss to Break Android Systems. The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA. August 9-11, 2023. [CCF A] [PDF]
  5. [ICSE’22] Shishuai Yang, Rui Li, Jiongyi Chen, Wenrui Diao, and Shanqing Guo. Demystifying Android Non-SDK APIs: Measurement and Understanding. The 44th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. May 21-29, 2022. [CCF A] [PDF]
  6. [IEEE TSE] Rui Li, Wenrui Diao, Zhou Li, Shishuai Yang, Shuang Li, and Shanqing Guo. Android Custom Permissions Demystified: A Comprehensive Security Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48(11):4465-4484, 2022. [CCF A] [PDF]
  7. [QRS’22] Guangwei Tian, Jiongyi Chen, Kailun Yan, Shishuai Yang, and Wenrui Diao. Cast Away: On the Security of DLNA Deployments in the SmartTV Ecosystem. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, Guangzhou, China. December 5-9, 2022. [CCF C] [PDF]