
  • [Feb 2024] Our paper on privte browsing modes is accepted by WWW 2024.
  • [Jan 2024] I become a visiting Ph.D. student at NUS.
  • [Dec 2023] Our paper on Android OS forward compatibility is accepted by SANER 2024.
  • [Aug 2023] Our paper on Android official security guidelines is accepted by APSEC 2023.
  • [Jun 2023] Our paper on Android data structure conversion is accepted by USENIX-Sec 2023.
  • [Dec 2021] Our paper on Android non-SDK APIs is accepted by ICSE 2022.


I am a Ph.D. student at Shandong University, supervised by Prof. Wenrui Diao, and I expect to graduate in June 2025. My research interests are primarily in Mobile Security , Mobile Measurement, and System Security.

Invited Talks

  • Exploration of Static Vulnerability Detection Methods for Android.
    • May 2023: 首届武汉网络安全创新论坛

External Reviewer

  • [TDSC] Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023.
  • [ESORICS] European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 2021, 2022.
  • [ICICS] International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 2021, 2022.
  • [NSS] International Conference on Network and System Security, 2022.
  • [INSCRYPT] International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, 2022.
  • [TOSEM] ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2021.
